Raw Materials For Industry
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We are committed to meeting the most stringent standards in all the services we offer and in all the products I provide.

Come read more about our certificates and devices.

Our Certificates ->



As a forward-looking company, determined to contribute to a more sustainable future, we continually innovate to deliver high quality products that are responsibly sourced and produced.

Our Products ->



As a trading company we help provide raw materials for diverse industries with a growing clientele, working to create fair values ​​in every transaction in which we are involved and a greener future for the benefit of present and future generations.

With us you can find a wide range of services along the entire supply chain.

Our Services ->



Your Need Is Our Priority

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About Us




We Employ
1 +

Sourcing From Over

Factories Globally

Operating In

1 +

Company Activity

We Have The Products The World Needs

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Our Value chain

Fri – Trade brings added value in the delivery of products to its customers by integrating the Fridenson Group's basket of services along the supply chain.

The combination of logistical power, industry connections around the world and professionalism in the making bring added value to the company's customers both at competitive prices and in the stability and convenience of delivery.

Our company serves as a ONE STOP SHOP for our customers


We offer a real time tracking information for materials and delivery


Materials are always available for delivery on demand


We provide high quality raw materials to Industry